On this Sunday, I hope you had a time of worship, reflection and rest. Even though Sunday is no longer the Sabbath, I believe the Word does encourage us to rest and reflect on God's love for us and what he has done for us and then we can go with renewed focus and touch others. While I spent time in my studio today, working on my take on Tim's tag, focused on the techniques today, I just couldn't get the hang of the UTEE with shrink plastic. I have used UTEE in the past and also shrink plastic (remember watching them through the oven door-wasn't it magical??) but never together. I liked the fact that today's tag was simple, not frantic, not too many steps--it was restful!! At first when I finished it, I didn't think it was that great..maybe too simple, not enough pizazz. But the more I look at it, while I am typing, a sweet calm comes over me. The gentle eyes of Santa, the soft background, the words "Peace, Love and Hope..." The words we all long to not just hear but to have those be evident in our life. Sometimes the simple things elude us in the midst of the busyness, the noise, the wants...But the Lord has told us several things that we must take to heart and hold on to and then hold out to others...
"The Lord blesses his people with peace."
Psalm 29: 11
"Find rest,O my soul, in God alone; my hope comes from him"
Psalm 62:5
"And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love"
I Corinthians 13:13
I Corinthians 13:13
When the Christmas season is over and others have packed up their holiday cheer, when their hearts of gratitude will come out again next year or when their thoughts will turn to Jesus again at Easter - remember that the Lord remains with us, his perfect peace is extended to those that love him, his perfect love is given to all and in him , we find rest from the wearies of this life. He refreshes us each and every day. Thank God for the simple, restful days for the frantic, difficult times come, you and I can reflect back on those daily gifts from the Lord. I love my tag not for it's intricacies, but for the simplicity, so alsothe days of rest - Simplicity!!
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