Friday, November 20, 2009

Where have I been.....Part 2

Oh my, the last post was on the 24th. I left y'all thinking that we are still sick--SO many wonderful things have happenend since then. Actually, nearly a month has happened. It's amazing, some of my dearest friends blog everyday...I think about blogging everyday..Does that count??? Well, let me catch you up on all that has gone on. (However, I will skip the dailies of life- such as laundry, cleaning, cooking, taking and picking up girls at school and trying to put all things in their place---)

Halloween happened. Presleigh decided to be a CHA CHA Dancer. When we went trick or treating, someone called her Carmen Miranda. We went straight to google- She does look like her and was so happy to see her and all of her beautiful costumes. We had a great party for Presleigh's friends. It is amazing to me how some of these children had never bobbed for apples. I will let the pictures speak for them. They caught on real quick. The mummy wrap game is great...Lots of toilet paper but oooooh such fun!! The boys got carried away and teepeed (sp???) Presleigh's play house. Savannah was great- She still loves to dress up and help out. This year she was a Jeanie's "evil" cousin -from I dream of Jeanine. Next post will be on the fun getting ready fro Silver Bella and then the few pics and many memories I made while there. I promise I won't wait another month...maybe a few days!!

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