Wednesday, December 30, 2009

My wish for you in the New Year...Health and Happiness, Love and Friendship, Kindness and Compassion, Energy and Strength, Rest and Renewal, Adventures and Security, and finding JOY in each day!!

Friday, December 25, 2009

Merry Christmas to all....

I hope that this season finds you in the company of those you love...taking time with family and friends, cherishing every moment together. Sending you wishes and prayers for a blessed, happy holiday and an amazing new year! New adventures are waiting..

Thursday, December 17, 2009

The cross and the manger

This cross is to be given to Presleigh's teacher tomorrow for Christmas. When I showed it to Presleigh for approval, she said it wasn't very "christmassy." I began to second guess my gift. Should I save this for Easter? Should I have made something entirely different or perhaps bought something? We did contribute to a gift card for the class gift..but always need to have a personal touch to our gift-giving. Back to my dilemma...then the Lord put something on my heart that I would like to share with you jut a few days before we celebrate our Savior's birth.
"For God so loved the world...that he gave his one and only Son." Jesus came in the lowliest form..a baby born to a poor, lonely room for them, no room for him. The manger filled with hay was the place that Jesus would first encounter humanity. If you have ever sat on a hay bale, gone for a hay ride or even fed horses hay, you know that ..It is prickly... It can poke, rub, give rashes to those with sensitive skin(imagine the skin of a baby)...It can cause you to sneeze, can get caught in your hair... It is felt through clothes and just to put it simply--It is annoying and uncomfortable. It is not down feathers,nor sheep skin. And most definitely not the way deity, nor royalty should be received.
God loved us so deeply, the world so deeply that the gift was not just the cross. Have you thought that without the gift of the manger, there would not be the gift of the cross. The two represent God's complete love for us. It was not just in the death and resurrection that he loved us..It is in the birth of Jesus Christ that he began his redemptive plan and it is in the cross that his love and forgiveness was made complete.
To use Presleigh's word...this cross is very "Christmassy." Blessings to all and may the peace of Jesus Christ dwell in you this holiday season....

Monday, December 14, 2009

A spot of Christmas Tea with Laura Bush

Yesterday was divine... I invited my mother, my sister and 2 friends and their girls along with my girls to a Christmas Tea at the Dallas Arboretum. A beautiful oasis in Dallas with breathtaking gardens, special events throughout the year and at Christmas they display over 500 nativities. The Christmas tea was hosted by the Women's Council of the Dallas Arboretum. We were so honored to have the former first lady, Laura Bush, to be our story teller. It was amazing. She was amazing.
We had the opportunity to meet her at a private reception before the tea actually began. She was as lovely in person as she is on television. At the tea, She read her book, Read All about It, that she co-wrote with Jenna, her daughter. It was a delight to have her read to the children. Presleigh was near her and even answered a question about President Bush.
But the day was even more perfect because of those that shared it with me. It is a day that my girls will never forget. They met someone who has been true to her husband, her family, her faith and her country. Someone with grace and integrity. My mom and my sister, the two most important women in my life, were there with us. It was a day for the girls in our family...priceless. Also, we share the day with friends. Life is best shared and special days are truly meant to be shared. I am blessed to have been able to share this day with Ann Michelle and her daughter, Megan and Lynne with her two girls, Lauren and Macy.
Some days we will recall the special events. Other days blend into the next... but in truth each day is a gift from our heavenly father. I pray that each day I see the beauty, the splendor and the blessings . Whether it is meeting a former first lady or meeting my children in the kitchen for breakfast....All are days that I will treasure. I hope you and I greet this day with joy and expectation for today is all we have!!

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

We interrupt this blog for...Cookies!!

Thank you for joining me on this Cookie Swap Day! Don't you love these cookie platters? Me, too. This one was a wonderful free image that I downloaded due to the fact that I am photography challenged...but enough about me. Pour a glass of milk or a cup of tea and have a few cookies on me.

My first recipe is one of my all time favorites that my mom made for us when I was younger. I can't make it anymore due to the fact that my youngest is highly allergic to nuts. So please enjoy these in your home and think of me when these little blossoms grace your table. There are shortcut versions to this recipe but from scratch is best!!!
Peanut Butter Blossoms

1 ¾ cups flour

1 tsp. soda

½ tsp. salt

½ c. margarine

½ c. peanut butter

½ c. sugar

½ c. brown sugar

1 unbeaten egg

2 T. milk

1 tsp. vanilla

1 package of chocolate kisses

Preheat oven to 375 degrees. . Mix flour, soda, and salt. Set aside. Cream next 4 ingredients. Add the last 3 ingredients Mix well . Add dry ingredients gradually. Shape into balls and Roll into additional sugar. Place on an ungreased cookie sheets.

Bake for 8 minutes. Remove from oven and immediately place a chocolate kiss in the center. YUMMY!!!

Recipe #2 isn't a cookie but isn't a Chex Mix enjoy!!

Chex Muddy Buddy Mix (or in Texas we call this Puppy Chow)

9 cups of Chex Cereal

1 c. chocolate chips

½ c. peanut butter (**I have left this out for Presleigh and it is still great!!)

¼ c. margarine

¼ tsp. vanilla

1 ½ c. powdered sugar

Pour Cereal in LARGE bowl. Combine next 3 ingredients in a microwave safe bowl and microwave on high 1 to 1 ½ minutes. Repeat in 15 second increments until smooth. Stir in vanilla. Then pour cereal and stir until coated. Pour sugar over “Coated cereal” and stir. Then store in an airtight container.

**This is a great gift giving treat. Place in a holiday tin lined with wax paper and your recipients will love you!!

Thanks for stopping by ...I hope you have many wonderful holiday treats and holiday memories and most of all, love to last long past the cookies on your platter!!



Friday, November 20, 2009

Where have I been.....Part 2

Oh my, the last post was on the 24th. I left y'all thinking that we are still sick--SO many wonderful things have happenend since then. Actually, nearly a month has happened. It's amazing, some of my dearest friends blog everyday...I think about blogging everyday..Does that count??? Well, let me catch you up on all that has gone on. (However, I will skip the dailies of life- such as laundry, cleaning, cooking, taking and picking up girls at school and trying to put all things in their place---)

Halloween happened. Presleigh decided to be a CHA CHA Dancer. When we went trick or treating, someone called her Carmen Miranda. We went straight to google- She does look like her and was so happy to see her and all of her beautiful costumes. We had a great party for Presleigh's friends. It is amazing to me how some of these children had never bobbed for apples. I will let the pictures speak for them. They caught on real quick. The mummy wrap game is great...Lots of toilet paper but oooooh such fun!! The boys got carried away and teepeed (sp???) Presleigh's play house. Savannah was great- She still loves to dress up and help out. This year she was a Jeanie's "evil" cousin -from I dream of Jeanine. Next post will be on the fun getting ready fro Silver Bella and then the few pics and many memories I made while there. I promise I won't wait another month...maybe a few days!!

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Lysol anyone?

Lysol anyone?? I just finished spraying Lysol disinfectant spray all around our house. Can you guess why??? The crud germs have found their way to our house. 3 appointments to the doctor yesterday and 1 trip during after hours indicated 2 with viral/sinus crud and 1 with a strep type infection that produced mammoth hives, fever, sore throat---Then today, hubby came home from a golf game with 101 temp....Looking forward to a fresh week with hopefully, well bodies and eager minds. On the bright side, while sitting with my youngest, I worked on some embroidery for a big project that must be finished by November 9th...It is a reward to work with our hands and to hold our loved ones close!! May the germs not find their way to your house and may this week be happy and healthy for all!!

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Tidbits and Tassels 2 - an art gathering August 2010

Mark you the date!! We are planning another awesome Tidbits and Tassels 2 Art Event on Saturday, August 28th 2010!!!
It will be held in my home and art studio in Rowlett, TX. If you are interested in being on the email list to reserve a spot or for further info. leave a comment or contact me at Look for more details in the coming months. We are going to have good food, loads of fun, great friends and incredible art workshops!!

To take a look at this first Tidbits and Tassels Art event, look at jodie's wonderful blog and Sarah's fun blog and of course, past entries from here!!

Hope to hear from y'all soon and see you in August!!

Friday, October 2, 2009

where have I been.....

So sorry that my last post was in early September....So let me catch you up just a bit. Once my Art Event "Tidbits and Tassels" were over..I relished in all the fun and art that we had created for a few days. That came to a quick end when I was asked to do a "simple" project for the 3rd grade hall at our school...Decorate 5 enormous bulletin boards. My reply. .."Of course, I would love to." Indeed I did, but it was a huge undertaking but had a blast gathering and creating all of the symbols and of course painting a faux finish on butcher paper for the background. (Just a few pics of some of the boards!!!) And of course, in between getting these ready was the typical school work, swim team practice (for Savannah of course), a few doctor's appointments, teaching a Women's Bible Study(Tuesdays) and 3rd graders on Sundays, house cleaning (when it would fit) and getting ready to teach at Paper Cowgirl Altered Retreat which is tomorrow in Waxahachie, TX. Life is fast and fun...enjoy the ride!!!

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Tidbits and Tassels - an art gathering

Tidbits and Tassels - August 29, 2009

All I can say is WOW!! I can't believe our art event is over...I just finished cleaning up the studio. With the bits of paper and ribbon strewn all over the work table and trinkets here and there, I knew we had a great time creating together. Thank you to all of the wonderful, creative women that came to share the day with me. It actually started out on Friday night where a few of us were able to meet at Chili's (you know it is like no place else:))...It was fun waiting in the front area for women I had never met...and wondering how I would find them. I spotted creativity the minute they walked in the door!! For the next 2 hours we talked, laughed and ate and shared like lifetime friends. It was a great feeling!!

Saturday arrived with the coolest weather we have had to date...a nice breeze and low humidity (good hair day in Texas), we began creating for the next several hours. We once again, talked, laughed, ate and created. The tassels and alpha cards that were made were all beautiful and unique to the artist.

It was great to be with like-minded women who understand the ribbon-overload, the paper supplies that keeps growing ( it must be the water:), and the many trinkets, charms, and the pure joy of running your hands through typewriter letters to find just that right letter!! The sharing of supplies, knowledge and ourselves made this day one I will never forget!

Let me take the time to thank each one of you ladies that came. I was honored that you chose to spend the day with me. It was fun to be with all of you and I look forward to the next "Tidbits and Tassels"--Be looking for more info in the coming months. Until then, Happy creating in whatever genre you enjoy... I truly loved sharing this day with all of you!!


P.S. If you couldn't join us this year, make plans for next year. We would love to have you!!!

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Fall Paper Cowgirl - Come and create!!

Come join me for a Artevent-full day in Waxahachie on October 3rd. This event features 3 unique classes using different genres, different textiles, paper, ribbon, fabric, get the idea!! I will be one of the teachers for the day. We will be making a fabric cuff....I really like to call them fabric collages that you can wear on your wrist, hang for display, add to a journal cover...anything your heart and mind can imagine. We will focus on good technique as well as creative possibilities. To let you know a little about myself, here is a mini-bio (I think it is always hard to write about yourself)..So here is what I gave

Chantal Johnson has had her hands in the "art jar" since she was "une petite fille" ( a little girl) Her french-born and raised mother instilled a love affair with needle and thread, paper and crayon, paint and brush and the list goes on. She loves all things creative and has combined many mediums into her art and home. She has been published in Somerset Studio and is 9 time ribbon winner at our Texas State Fair (in the areas of embroidery, collage, decoupage and crocheting..just to name a few). She has also been published as a writer in devotional journals as well as an inspirational author for her church publications.

Her love of the arts is brought together with her love of teaching. For this fall Paper Cowgirl, she hopes to give the student a knowledge of good technique with freedom to create what is in the heart.

Chantal has been married to her wonderful husband, Scott for 23 years. They have 3 awesome children (19, 15, and 8). For Chantal, her children are truly the work of her heart!!

So please join the whole gang on October 3rd for our fall paper cowgirl event. Check these blogs for more info...Happy trails!!!

Papercowgirl official blog

***I do not know why somethings are underlined...this was my first time linking everyone together--Thanks to Sarah and Jodie for teaching me how!!!! oops i think I should have linked their post...

Thursday, August 20, 2009

New beginnings--

We have started on a new journey with our girls. We decided to change from one private school (after the first day of school) to an awesome Private school just a little further away. So we ended up with another week of summer!! Change is never easy but almost always good!! We were led and guided the whole way by the LORD. I believe because we were seeking his will and where he wanted us to be so as best to serve him and lead our girls into a deeper faith and better environment, he honored our prays, our relentless searching and our quick, steadfast actions...he opened doors to some of the nicest people I have ever met. They didn't know us from any past or present settings. These Godly people knew we needed help. Heaven and earth was moved in less than 6 days to apply, meet, schedule and enroll our girls. Perhaps I can rest on the 7th??? In fact, Savannah (10th) boarded a bus today with all the 9th-11th graders for an overnight about loyalty and trust in the father...No cell phones, no text, no fb posts...I can't wait until 3:00 tomorrow when she walks off that bus. Pray without ceasing has been going on since 7:30 this am....I know her experience will be so much better than where she has been! Presleigh starts tomorrow...awesome 3rd grade!!! her teacher already met her today and told her she is excited to have Presleigh. Someone already loves my child....Life is good and filled with many twists and turns..Praise God!!

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Tidbits and Tassels - an art gathering

I am so excited to announce the first Art workshop/gathering at My Studio on August 29th. Those attending will be participating in two workshops...although to us, this is definitely not work but play....Perhaps they should be "playshops"!!! This is a pre-Silver Bella event so we meet and get to know one another before the Awesome Silver Bella!! Silver Bella (a paper art event) will take place in Omaha hosted and created by Teresa McFayden. I am looking forward to meeting these sweet ladies who love to create and have fun!! It will be a time of food, fun and art. Hopefully this will be a start to many art gatherings...Hope you will be able to make it over to the studio and play!!

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Sweet Summertime.....

Summer is flying and we are having an awesome time here at "the Johnson Resort"...the name given by my sister.   She was just here with one of her boys ...what a great time we had!!   Our annual summer trip to Florida was earlier this month.  It is a time we look forward to all year. These are a few pictures of our trip.
I am still working to move the studio.  The french envy furniture came on Thursday, so it is time to really get things in place.  My first art gathering is August 29th..I need to be ready!!!  I hope this summer has many special moments that will become great memories that will last a lifetime!!

Friday, June 19, 2009

Once begun..Finally Done!!!

All I can say is YEAH!!!! Our major remodel is done...We have been enjoying the pool since May 29th.  It took another 10 days to cure the plaster and then it became a salt water pool.  I honestly didn't know how they would make it a salt water pool...chemicals, maybe??  Nooooooo, they just added 400 lbs of salt to the water and Voila..salt water.  Did I feel a little silly!!!  Our outdoor kitchen/living area is awesome.  We eat nearly every meal outside and enjoy the view.   Nature is back in our yard.  I began a new herb garden with 17 lavender plants, 2 rosemary, basil, dill oregano, thyme and mint (in a pot, of course).    My studio is in the process...we are waiting on furniture and are moving things each day.   I am being inspired as I move things (that I forgot I even had).  My goal is to have all the things that belong in the art studio in there before we leave for Florida on the 29th.    Thanks for following the journey...It has only just begun!!!


Saturday, May 23, 2009

Nearly Done!!!

Perhaps this title has been used least by our family for the past several weeks!! But this time it is true.  The studio needs painting and the pool need filling (plaster first) and of course, the decorating!! Our target date is Friday, the 29th!!! We can't believe the transformation that has occurred in our yard and the hopfullness in our spirit.  We plan to use this wonderful  setting for entertaining, sharing fun times with friends (new and old) gardening (I will have an herb garden!!)  and creative art "retreats" for those that love to be inspired.  We feel truly blessed by our Lord to be able to do these things and since all good is from him....He deserves the praise and the thanks...

I hope y'all can drop by for a swim,  s'mores by the fire or just a time to sit and visit...

Friday, May 8, 2009

There is a little less dirt....

If you are wondering, the answer is yes.  We are still under construction..or should I say on top of it...our lush green yard has been turned into an oasis of dirt, stone, pipes, wood and a big hole in the ground.  Seriously, it is coming along quite nicely.  In the following pictures you can see where we have come from and to where we are heading.  This will become an oasis of lush green, vibrant texas colors (in the plants we choose) and barrel full of laughter and good times. I am looking forward to the days in the pool, the studio and cooking outdoors.  Who knows--maybe the inside of the house will stay clean...One can only dream!!  Summer is here and we are almost ready!!

At the end of the summe,r I am also looking forward to hosting a  group of women called "the Texas Bellas" in anticipation of our art workshop (in Omaha) in November for a mini-art workshop.  It will be a great time here at the Johnson's, this summer with friends and family.  

Stay tuned.....

Friday, April 17, 2009

in between construction and daily living,....

I wanted to give everyone a quick update on the construction....It's coming along.  We have walls and a roof on my studio, a foundation poured for the outdoor kitchen and alot of mud (yes, it rained today!!) all around the pool.  In fact, in my yard there is either concrete or mud.  But by the end we will have a beautiful oasis of water, rock, color, life, food and art...what else is there?!! 

And now on to the creative side of life, there are so many avenues that I want to create--but here are a few finished projects.  I love my new collage with Scott and the kids.  Isn't it funny we all love to make our pictures in black and white?  I am sure those who didn't have color would tell us we were crazy.  It reminds me of the country song by Jamey Johnson "In color"...great song.  But back to the collage, with backgrounds from paper to paint to stamping, gilding, etc... 
the black and white picture doesn't compete, it compliments.  Presleigh called us the faith family ...priceless.  Let me know what you think...Hope you are having a wonderful Friday...Many blessings to you....

Sunday, March 22, 2009

It's begun..diggin' is half the fun

Here it comes.... The excavation began on Wednesday.  With the big "claw" (I don't know the technical term but the word describes it well.), my garden was gone, my grass was gone and the weeds were gone.  This thing sliced through my Texas dirt like butter.  It was an impressive sight to see the sculpting of the pool and the areas for the outdoor kitchen and my Art Studio.  Then over the next few days came plumbers, steel workers, foundation diggers (once again not the technical term, but it is what they did)..we did have one interesting delivery....a  Port-a-Potty. We laughed so hard when the truck brought this to our yard and asked where did I want it...Let's just say as far from the house as possible!!  It is so exciting to see all this unfold...a lot of choices, interruptions and new aspects we have never even thought of will surely be a part of our life for the next few weeks.   This will be a wonderful journey with many memories!!!Stay tuned.....

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Rain, rain go away!!!

Rain, rain go away..come again another day!!  We know that we need the rain, but we are anxiously awaiting the beginning of the construction of our pool,  the outdoor kitchen and my new art studio..  But our singing was to no avail...The rain came and the rain won't go away until Saturday.  Then good weather on the horizon.  So perhaps it will be next week.  In the mean time, we are having a great time so far in this fast moving month.  Our youngest, Presleigh turned 8 on the 1st and was baptized on the same day.  Praises for that wonderful expression of her love for God and for her saviour in Jesus!!! Morgan is home for Spring Break and the girls are out next week!!! My parents celebrate their 48th wedding anniversay today!! What an example they have been and continue to be for my life!!  I have also been working on many projects and hope to get Spring creations underway!! Many events, many memories being made and many avenues to share joy are happening here.  Hope you are having many happy days....(by the way, I am lovin' my word for this year...Many)....

Saturday, February 28, 2009

A little joy in the journey

I found a little time to make an Altered Easter Greeting..using a 1914 post card..Don't worry I made copies.  These make great little splashes of holiday... Using a little of this and that, it is a bit of nostalgia and sentiment.