Thursday, January 14, 2010

Love Ribbon Tassel

I just wanted to share with you these few pictures of a Tassel that I recently made. It's also was an experiment with photobucket and using their applications to add a watermark....way cool! Thanks Jodie and the links you gave me....There is hope for the "blog-challenged." Have a blessed day!!!

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Hidden treasures

"What's in the bag?" was my thought as it sat on the top shelf in my sewing room closet (not to be confused with my studio--2 separate places). I vaguely remembered that it had some kind of fabric from some garage sale from some time back. So with curiousity, I pulled it down and to my surprise--hidden treasures!! It was filled with all kinds of vintage fabrics, unfinished quilt motifs/squares...all of what is the rage right now in the sewing and creative arts world. Recently, I have been trying to find vintage fabrics to do various art projects. I've looked at blogs, websites, magazines and all filled with vintage fabric/paper projects. Thinking all the while "I wish I had some of those precious fabrics." Little did I know that my treasures were under my nose or shall I say --in the bag!

It reminds me of the hidden treasures in God's word. At times in my life, I have searched for joy, happiness, fulfillment, relationships, worth (the list could go on and on- what have you been searching for?) and want what others have. Yet, when I look outside at others, I can't seem to find that treasure that I so desperately need or want. And then just as my vintage fabric bag was filled with what I needed, so is God's precious words to me..."And my God will meet all my needs according to his glorious riches in Christ Jesus" (Php. 4:19). Words that are so needed today as I face new challenges. The two treasures share a common thread - Forgetfulness on my part. Just I had forgotten about my fabric treasure, I forget that God is good all the time and he does supply my needs according to his goodness and faithfulness. However, there is one huge difference between the two treasures... My scraps are garage sale- supplied by someone who no longer needed them. Treasures to me but castaways none the less. My needs in life are not met by someone who no longer needed what I desired but they are met by the one who loves me for who I am (failures and all) and who I am becoming. He lavishly gives out of riches. Just as the Bible is filled to overflowing with treasures so to was the bag--- Want to peek inside?