Thursday, August 20, 2009

New beginnings--

We have started on a new journey with our girls. We decided to change from one private school (after the first day of school) to an awesome Private school just a little further away. So we ended up with another week of summer!! Change is never easy but almost always good!! We were led and guided the whole way by the LORD. I believe because we were seeking his will and where he wanted us to be so as best to serve him and lead our girls into a deeper faith and better environment, he honored our prays, our relentless searching and our quick, steadfast actions...he opened doors to some of the nicest people I have ever met. They didn't know us from any past or present settings. These Godly people knew we needed help. Heaven and earth was moved in less than 6 days to apply, meet, schedule and enroll our girls. Perhaps I can rest on the 7th??? In fact, Savannah (10th) boarded a bus today with all the 9th-11th graders for an overnight about loyalty and trust in the father...No cell phones, no text, no fb posts...I can't wait until 3:00 tomorrow when she walks off that bus. Pray without ceasing has been going on since 7:30 this am....I know her experience will be so much better than where she has been! Presleigh starts tomorrow...awesome 3rd grade!!! her teacher already met her today and told her she is excited to have Presleigh. Someone already loves my child....Life is good and filled with many twists and turns..Praise God!!

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Tidbits and Tassels - an art gathering

I am so excited to announce the first Art workshop/gathering at My Studio on August 29th. Those attending will be participating in two workshops...although to us, this is definitely not work but play....Perhaps they should be "playshops"!!! This is a pre-Silver Bella event so we meet and get to know one another before the Awesome Silver Bella!! Silver Bella (a paper art event) will take place in Omaha hosted and created by Teresa McFayden. I am looking forward to meeting these sweet ladies who love to create and have fun!! It will be a time of food, fun and art. Hopefully this will be a start to many art gatherings...Hope you will be able to make it over to the studio and play!!